Wednesday, January 28, 2015



Tuesday, January 27, 2015

How we treat women

Is sex a vulgar thing?
It is if it is approached as such.
Before I get into that let me tell you why I have trouble laughing at comedy like Ted or We're the Millers.
Ted is written by Seth Macfarlane
The idea of Seth Macfarlane I have is that of a total asshole.
On one level he is an atheist.
An atheist who not only doesn't believe but is totally obnoxious with it and puts down Christians for their beliefs.
That comes through more prominently in Family Guy and on his interview with Bill Maher.
Number 2 he seems like he's a user.
My own dad was a user
he will always be a user.
What I mean by user is someone who sees women as a conquest. Something to be conquered sexually, used for fun and tossed aside at the first sign of a hint of something becoming more serious than a casual encounter.
The idea of falling in love is foreign to them and an absurdity.
What really drives me crazy is the idea of women laughing at his comedy.
Case in point, women laughing at this subtle form of rape is a dropping of one's womanly guard. This endears Macfarlane into women's hearts and I feel makes them more vulnerable to falling victim to not only Macfarlane's tricks but men similar in nature.
Case in point, I knew a young lady in high school who dated a boy named Rob. I had never met the kid but he seemed like a total conceited prick.
He seemed like an asshole and completely
In my mind I thought, Cassie, don't do this but she did and they broke up.
She thought he was a jerk. Now me, I knew I was ugly and unwanted and that's why I'm single to this day, I don't care I've gotten used to it. Now Cassie and women like her can say we broke up but he can always say, we dated, I banged her, I claimed her as my trophy and what I wanna know, is why do I care more about female reputations than some females do?
Also the We're the Millers thing, the Boner garage character saddens me.
I hate when the male employer of the strip club says you need to start sleeping with the customers.
You don't use women like that!
It's revolting and if I was there, he'd have all the flesh removed from his skull but although farcical in nature, the fact Boner Garage was happy about it made her sound more naive and in a way, more child like and it sickens me I couldn't protect her from creeps like that!