Saturday, October 19, 2013

When the Sun Sets

Her eyes are the sun
to me
for when they set on me
I weep
I swoon
Her lips
I feel against my own
and I melt
we are one consciousness
one soul
in my dreams that is
in person my coward’s tongue
bounds me to silence
the professor cries class dismissed
and I pack up my notebook
and my pencil
and head to my next class
counting down the minutes till
I see Kelsey

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Thursday, October 10, 2013


Scaly green skin
slithering in my yard
I look out my window
at the beasts primal dance
He sits atop my lawnmower
Flicking his tongue at me
with a mesmerizing rhythm
My dad gets the BB gun
Aiming down the sights
he pulls the trigger and
splits the beast in two
Sorry indigenous beast but
this land is my land
Manifest destiny

This is a poem my brother wrote.
Our creative writing professor wants him to take out the first four lines so it reads like this.

He sits atop my lawnmower
Flicking his tongue at me
with a mesmerizing rhythm
My dad gets the BB gun
Aiming down the sights
he pulls the trigger and
splits the beast in two
Sorry indigenous beast but
this land is my land
Manifest destiny

I prefer the first version. The second lacks the pop of the first one who do you agree with?
My brother and I or the professor?

Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Next Stephen King

Hi download the Uncovered Books and check out my novelette The Curse!